The past week I have seen two fatal accidents along the route 9 corridor heading towards Brattleboro, Vermont. Both could have been avoided if the drivers had not made bad decisions.
The first accident involved a left turn and the second accident involved a right turn. What did both drivers have in common?
They both risked their lives and the lives of others by making a turn in front of speeding traffic. They both probably thought that they could beat the odds of dying, and they both failed miserably.
Viewing the aftermath of crushed metal horrifically flattened upon impact, is a painful and disturbing sight to see. The vehicles that had hosted life just moments before, now laid to rest as a testament that the stupidity of human choice can indeed kill you.
ASH (Action on Smoking & Health) states that “smoking has more than 50 ways of making life a misery through illness and more than 20 ways of killing you.” Imagine all you have to do is make the choice to smoke and you can have a smorgasbord of options to simply die for.
What’s on the menu today: lung cancer, kidney cancer, or maybe a dash of Ischemic heart disease? Come on how about it.
Or better yet, you can pick from a grab bag of assorted illnesses! How about acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis in twenty years, peripheral vascular disease in thirty years, or pneumonia next winter?
Rest assured that smoking is a very disturbing addiction. Though the act of smoking does not veer to the left or to the right, it does remain steady. Day after day, year after year the smoker lights cigarettes laced with radioactive ingredients and garnished with pesticides. Logically speaking self preservation alone should dictate absconding to higher ground. Perhaps smoking is a form of self-harming disease?
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