For smokers, the risk of cancer increases each year they remain a smoker.
One area cancer can greatly effect smokers is in the throat, mouth, and lungs.
Cancer detection, cancer operations, and related procedures are a big business. They amount to billions of dollars being spent each year in medical and hospital expenses.
Another booming business is in the area of advancements and equipment to refine medical procedures that make it easier on patients who get cancer. With a growing world wide smoking epidemic those investing in the sickness industry will remain employed and see their investments grow steadily over time.
The Bad News and the Good News
It is disappointing to see such high smoking statistics around the world. That is the bad news.
The good news is medical procedures are getting less traumatic (although less is still quite undesirable). Check out what the Mayo Clinic now offers it patients to help them increase their odds that they won’t die from throat cancer.
Although this is good news, just watch this video to learn how shocking good news is.
I think I would opt for quitting instead of going through something like this.